Gene Walton

Executive Vice President - Geoscience

Gene Walton leads Ridgewood Energy’s geoscience team. He has 25+ years of experience as an exploration geoscience leader focused on the Gulf of Mexico and other deepwater basins. Prior to joining Ridgewood Energy, Mr. Walton led geoscience efforts as Exploration Manager at BP, working on significant BP deepwater projects in the Gulf of Mexico, Trinidad, Brazil, and Angola. More recently, he has worked for Aramco in Saudi Arabia. During his career, Mr. Walton has contributed to the discovery and delivery of over 2.5 billion BOE of oil and gas.

Mr. Walton is a Certified Professional Geologist with the American Institute of Professional Geologists and has obtained a Drilling Supervisor Certificate from International Well Control Forum. He received his B.A. in Geology from La Salle University and his M.S. in Geology from Texas Christian University.

Learn more about Ridgewood Energy’s strategy, which is focused on investing in among the lowest-cost barrels in North America.